With GC/MSD system of detection (Agilent technologies). Instrument for the study of heterogeneous catalysis in the gas phase.

This reactor allows us to monitor the catalytic activity of catalysts in the solid state. Gases flow through these catalysts in steel or glass capillary where the chemical reactions take place. Reaction products are analysed by gas chromatography/mass (GC/MS) spectrometry. The following gases can be used for analysis: carbon dioxide, hydrogen and helium as inert. The gases flow through the reactor can range from ml/min to l/min. Reactions up to 1000°C can be carried out using special reactors. Analysis of the reaction products is performed on a 5977B MSD with GC 7890B (Agilent technologies). This tandem detection system allows automatic data collection at predefined time intervals (most often hourly).

What information you can obtain?

All the main catalytic properties of the measured material; conversion, selectivity and yields of the products etc.

What samples can be measured?

All solid samples (usually powders) can be measured. Materials that do not sinter particles at higher temperatures are suitable.