The research at the Department of physical chemistry at Palacký University in Olomouc is aimed on experimental study of carbon or metal based (nano)materials and on computational chemistry of biological systems and nanomaterials. The Department of physical chemistry guarantees studies of Nanomaterial chemistry and Applied chemistry in bachelor’s study programmes, Material chemistry
Department of
Physical Chemistry
Peek into our world
The Department of Physical Chemistry is a top workplace of the Faculty of Science of the Palacký University in Olomouc.
and Physical chemistry in master’s study programmes and Physical chemistry in PhD programme. The Department has also the accreditation for habilitation and professor procedures in physical chemistry. A strong emphasize is put on systematic development of a net of international cooperation both in research and education.

Termíny státních zkoušek 2025
Termíny státních zkoušek byly stanoveny na tato data: Fyzikální chemie - FCH - 19.5.2025 - obhajoby Fyzikální chemie - FCH - 20.5.2025 - SZZ Aplikovaná…
”Vzdělání je to, co přežije, když bylo zapomenuto to, co bylo naučeno.
BF Skinner